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How much is Dragon worth?

The price of Dragon is 2x Ber Runes. In d2jsp forum gold = 30 fg 
High-end Dragon value is around 2x Ber Runes - 5x Ber Runes. In d2jsp forum gold = 30 - 95 fg 
Perfect Dragon is worth at least 7x Ber Runes. In d2jsp forum gold = 133 fg 

Item Quality to Price Histogram

The chart below shows how the quality of the item changes the price.

Dragon price histogram
Dragon price histogram
(tap to zoom)

Item Information

DragonDragonMage Plate
Sur · Lo · Sol
Defense: 585 - 621
Durability: 60 of 60
Required Strength: 55
Required Level: 61
20% Chance to cast Level 18 Venom when struck
12% Chance to cast Level 15 Hydra on striking
Level 14 Holy Fire Aura When Equipped
+360 Defense
+230 Defense Vs. Missile
+(3 - 5) to All Attributes
+(0 - 37) to Strength (Based on Character Level)
Increase Maximum Mana 5%
+50 to Mana
+5% to Maximum Lightning Resist
Damage Reduced by 7
Socketed (3)
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