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How much is Exile worth?

The price of Exile is 2x Ber Runes. In d2jsp forum gold = 30 fg 
High-end Exile value is around 2x Ber Runes - 31x Ber Runes. In d2jsp forum gold = 30 - 589 fg 
Perfect Exile is worth at least 31x Ber Runes. In d2jsp forum gold = 589 fg 

Item Quality to Price Histogram

The chart below shows how the quality of the item changes the price.

Exile price histogram
Exile price histogram
(tap to zoom)

Item Information

ExileExileVortex Shield
Vex · Ohm · Ist · Dol
Defense: 723 - 813
Chance To Block: 49%
Smite Damage: 5 to 87
Durability: 90 of 90
(Paladin Only)
Required Strength: 148
Required Level: 66
15% Chance to cast Level 5 Life Tap on striking
Level (13 - 16) Defiance Aura When Equipped
+2 to Offensive Auras (Paladin Only)
+30% Faster Block Rate
Freezes target
+(220 - 260)% Enhanced Defense
Replenish Life +7
+5% to Maximum Cold Resist
+5% to Maximum Fire Resist
25% Better Chance of Getting Magic Items
Repairs 1 durability in 4 seconds
Socketed (4)
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