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How much is Stone worth?

The price of Stone is Gul Rune. In d2jsp forum gold = 3 fg 
High-end Stone value is around Gul Rune - Gul Rune. In d2jsp forum gold = 3 - 6 fg 
Perfect Stone is worth at least Gul Rune. In d2jsp forum gold = 6 fg 

Item Quality to Price Histogram

The chart below shows how the quality of the item changes the price.

Stone price histogram
Stone price histogram
(tap to zoom)

Item Information

StoneStoneLoricated Mail
Shael · Um · Pul · Lum
Defense: 1739 - 1938
Durability: 36 of 36
Required Strength: 149
Required Level: 55
+60% Faster Hit Recovery
+(250 - 290)% Enhanced Defense
+300 Defense Vs. Missile
+16 to Strength
+16 to Vitality
+10 to Energy
All Resistances +15
Level 16 Molten Boulder (80/80 Charges)
Level 16 Clay Golem (16/16 Charges)
Socketed (4)
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