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How much is Treachery worth?

The price of Treachery is Ko Rune. In d2jsp forum gold = 1 fg 
High-end Treachery value is around Ko Rune - Pul Rune. In d2jsp forum gold = 1 - 3 fg 
Perfect Treachery is worth at least Pul Rune. In d2jsp forum gold = 3 fg 

Item Quality to Price Histogram

The chart below shows how the quality of the item changes the price.

Treachery price histogram
Treachery price histogram
(tap to zoom)

Item Information

TreacheryTreacheryDusk Shroud
Shael · Thul · Lem
Defense: 361 - 467
Durability: 20 of 20
Required Strength: 77
Required Level: 49
5% Chance to cast Level 15 Fade when struck
25% Chance to cast Level 15 Venom on striking
+2 to Assassin Skills
+45% Increased Attack Speed
+20% Faster Hit Recovery
Cold Resist +30%
50% Extra Gold from Monsters
Socketed (3)
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