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How much is Immortal King's Pillar worth?

The actual price of Immortal King's Pillar is unknown due to low trade volume for that item. Low trade volume sometimes indicates that the item is not worth much.

Item Information

Immortal King's PillarImmortal King's PillarWar Boots
Defense: 118 - 128
Kick Damage: 39 to 80
Durability: 24 of 24
Required Strength: 125
Required Level: 31
+75 Defense
+40% Faster Run/Walk
+110 to Attack Rating
+44 to Life
Half Freeze Duration (5 Items)
+160 Defense (4 Items)
+2 to Masteries (Barbarian Only) (3 Items)
25% Better Chance of Getting Magic Items (2 Items)
Immortal KingPartial Set Bonus
+50 to Attack Rating (2 Items)
+75 to Attack Rating (3 Items)
+125 to Attack Rating (4 Items)
+200 to Attack Rating (5 Items)
Complete Set Bonus
+3 to Barbarian Skill Levels
+450 to Attack Rating
+150 to Life
All Resistances +50
Magic Damage Reduced by 10
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