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How much is Laying of Hands worth?

The actual price of Laying of Hands is unknown due to low trade volume for that item. Low trade volume sometimes indicates that the item is not worth much.

Item Information

Laying of HandsLaying of HandsBramble Mitts
Defense: 79 - 87
Durability: 12 of 12
Required Strength: 50
Required Level: 63
+25 Defense
+20% Increased Attack Speed
+350% Damage to Demons
Fire Resist +50%
10% Chance to cast Level 3 Holy Bolt on striking
The DisciplePartial Set Bonus
+150 Defense (2 Items)
+22 Poison Damage over 3 seconds (3 Items)
+10 to Strength (4 Items)
Complete Set Bonus
+2 to All Skills
+22 Poison Damage over 3 seconds
+150 Defense
+10 to Strength
+10 to Dexterity
+100 to Mana
All Resistances +50
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