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How much is Tal Rasha's Guardianship worth?

The price of Tal Rasha's Guardianship is Hel Rune - Ist Rune. In d2jsp forum gold = 1 - 3 fg 
High-end Tal Rasha's Guardianship value is around Ist Rune - Gul Rune. In d2jsp forum gold = 3 - 6 fg 
Perfect Tal Rasha's Guardianship is worth at least Vex Rune. In d2jsp forum gold = 7 fg 

Item Quality to Price Histogram

The chart below shows how the quality of the item changes the price.

Tal Rasha's Guardianship price histogram
Tal Rasha's Guardianship price histogram
(tap to zoom)

Item Information

Tal Rasha's GuardianshipTal Rasha's GuardianshipLacquered Plate
Defense: 833 - 941
Durability: 55 of 55
Required Strength: 84
Required Level: 71
+400 Defense
Requirements -60%
Magic Damage Reduced by 15
Cold Resist +40%
Lightning Resist +40%
Fire Resist +40%
88% Better Chance of Getting Magic Items
+10% Faster Cast Rate (2 Items)
Tal Rasha's WrappingsPartial Set Bonus
Replenish Life +10 (2 Items)
65% Better Chance of Getting Magic Items (3 Items)
+25% Faster Hit Recovery (4 Items)
Complete Set Bonus
+3 to Sorceress Skill Levels
+25% Faster Hit Recovery
+150 Defense
+50 Defense Vs. Missile
+150 to Life
Replenish Life +10
All Resistances +50
65% Better Chance of Getting Magic Items
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