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How much is Atma's Scarab worth?

The price of Atma's Scarab is Um Rune. In d2jsp forum gold = 1 fg 
High-end Atma's Scarab value is around Um Rune - Ist Rune. In d2jsp forum gold = 1 - 5 fg 
Perfect Atma's Scarab is worth at least Ist Rune. In d2jsp forum gold = 5 fg 

Item Quality to Price Histogram

The chart below shows how the quality of the item changes the price.

Atma's Scarab price histogram
Atma's Scarab price histogram
(tap to zoom)

Item Information

Atma's ScarabAtma's ScarabAmulet
Required Level: 60
5% Chance to cast Level 2 Amplify Damage on striking
20% Bonus to Attack Rating
+40 Poison Damage over 4 seconds
Poison Resist +75%
+3 to Light Radius
Attacker Takes Damage of 5
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