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How much is Ethereal Razor's Edge worth?

The price of Ethereal Razor's Edge is Mal Rune - 2x Ist Runes. In d2jsp forum gold = 2 - 6 fg 
High-end Ethereal Razor's Edge value is around 2x Ist Runes - 4x Ber Runes. In d2jsp forum gold = 6 - 76 fg 
Perfect Ethereal Razor's Edge is worth at least 4x Ber Runes. In d2jsp forum gold = 76 fg 

Item Quality to Price Histogram

The chart below shows how the quality of the item changes the price.

Razor's Edge price histogram
Razor's Edge price histogram
(tap to zoom)

Item variants

Item Information

Razor's EdgeRazor's EdgeTomahawk
One-Hand Damage: 134 - 159 to 239 - 282
Durability: 15 of 15
Required Dexterity: 57
Required Strength: 115
Required Level: 67
Base Attack Speed: 0
+(175 - 225)% Enhanced Damage
+40% Increased Attack Speed
-33% Target Defense
+50% Deadly Strike
+50% Chance of Open Wounds
Ethereal (Cannot be Repaired)
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