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How much is Highlord's Wrath worth?

The price of Highlord's Wrath is Vex Rune - Ohm Rune. In d2jsp forum gold = 5 - 6 fg 
High-end Highlord's Wrath value is around Ohm Rune - Cham Rune. In d2jsp forum gold = 6 - 10 fg 
Perfect Highlord's Wrath is worth at least Cham Rune. In d2jsp forum gold = 10 fg 

Item Quality to Price Histogram

The chart below shows how the quality of the item changes the price.

Highlord's Wrath price histogram
Highlord's Wrath price histogram
(tap to zoom)

Item Information

Highlord's WrathHighlord's WrathAmulet
Required Level: 65
+1 to All Skills
+20% Increased Attack Speed
+(0 - 37)% Deadly Strike (Based on Character Level)
Lightning Resist +35%
Adds 1-30 Lightning Damage
Attacker Takes Lightning Damage of 15
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