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How much is Rainbow Facet (Cold Death) worth?

The actual price of Rainbow Facet (Cold Death) is unknown due to low trade volume for that item. Low trade volume sometimes indicates that the item is not worth much.

Item Quality to Price Histogram

The chart below shows how the quality of the item changes the price.

Rainbow Facet (Cold Death) price histogram
Rainbow Facet (Cold Death) price histogram
(tap to zoom)

Item Information

Rainbow Facet (Cold Death)Rainbow Facet (Cold Death)Jewel
Can Be Inserted Into Socketed Items
Required Level: 49
100% Chance to cast Level 37 Blizzard when you Die
Adds 24-38 Cold Damage
+(3 - 5)% to Cold Skill Damage
-(3 - 5)% to Enemy Cold Resistance
Trade items on d2trader.net