AndarielHell, Act 1, Catacombs Level 4 | 1:6420 |
Andariel (Quest)Hell, Act 1, Catacombs Level 4 | 1:6420 |
BaalNightmare, Act 5, The Worldstone Chamber | 1:17286 |
BaalHell, Act 5, The Worldstone Chamber | 1:17393 |
DiabloHell, Act 4, The Chaos Sanctuary | 1:17685 |
MephistoHell, Act 3, Durance of Hate Level 3 | 1:18089 |
DurielHell, Act 2, Tal Rasha's Chamber | 1:27651 |
The SummonerHell, Act 2, Arcane Sanctuary | 1:45596 |
NihlathakNightmare, Act 5, Halls of Vaught | 1:47769 |
NihlathakHell, Act 5, Halls of Vaught | 1:48635 |
RadamentHell, Act 2, Sewers Level 3 | 1:54038 |
The CountessHell, Act 1, Tower Cellar Level 5 | 1:62566 |
Blood RavenHell, Act 1, Burial Grounds | 1:87526 |
Hephasto The ArmorerHell, Act 4, River of Flame | 1:87526 |
IzualHell, Act 4, Plains of Despair | 1:88086 |
The Cow KingNightmare, Act 1, The Secret Cow Level | 1:148677 |
PindleskinNightmare, Act 5, Nihlathak's Temple | 1:159967 |
The Cow KingHell, Act 1, The Secret Cow Level | 1:160100 |
Bone AshHell, Act 1, Cathedral | 1:164650 |
Pitspawn FouldogHell, Act 1, Jail Level 2 | 1:165155 |
Treehead WoodFistHell, Act 1, Dark Wood | 1:166671 |
BishiboshHell, Act 1, Cold Plains | 1:166671 |
RakanishuHell, Act 1, Stony Field | 1:166671 |
Ancient Kaa the SoullessHell, Act 2, Tal Rasha's Tomb | 1:169370 |
Dac FarrenHell, Act 5, Bloody Foothills | 1:169370 |
Shenk the OverseerHell, Act 5, Bloody Foothills | 1:169370 |
StormtreeHell, Act 3, Lower Kurast | 1:169370 |
Coldworm the BurrowerHell, Act 2, Maggot Lair Level 3 | 1:169582 |
Council Member (Bremm Sparkfist's Minion)Hell, Act 3, Durance of Hate Level 3 | 1:224703 |
Council Member (Geleb Flamefinger's Minion)Hell, Act 3, Travincal | 1:225405 |
Council Member (Ismail Vilehand's Minion)Hell, Act 3, Travincal | 1:225405 |
Hell Bovine (Unique)Nightmare, Act 1, The Secret Cow Level | 1:318979 |
Heirophant (Unique)Nightmare, Act 5, Halls of Pain | 1:318979 |
Arach (Unique)Nightmare, Act 5, Halls of Vaught | 1:318979 |
Blood Clan (Unique)Nightmare, Act 5, Halls of Pain | 1:318979 |
Blood Maggot (Unique)Nightmare, Act 5, Halls of Pain | 1:318979 |
Flayer (Unique)Nightmare, Act 5, Halls of Pain | 1:318979 |
Flayer Shaman (Unique)Nightmare, Act 5, Halls of Vaught | 1:318979 |
Ghost (Unique)Nightmare, Act 5, Halls of Vaught | 1:318979 |
Grotesque (Unique)Nightmare, Act 5, Halls of Pain | 1:318979 |
Guardian (Unique)Nightmare, Act 5, Halls of Pain | 1:318979 |
Hell Temptress (Unique)Nightmare, Act 5, Halls of Vaught | 1:318979 |
Infidel (Unique)Nightmare, Act 5, Halls of Pain | 1:318979 |
Night Lord (Unique)Nightmare, Act 5, Halls of Pain | 1:318979 |
Night Marauder (Unique)Nightmare, Act 5, Halls of Vaught | 1:318979 |
Prowling Dead (Unique)Nightmare, Act 5, Halls of Vaught | 1:318979 |
Razor Spine (Unique)Nightmare, Act 5, Halls of Pain | 1:318979 |
Returned Archer (Unique)Nightmare, Act 5, Halls of Vaught | 1:318979 |
Slayer (Unique)Nightmare, Act 5, Halls of Vaught | 1:318979 |
Temple Guard (Unique)Nightmare, Act 5, Halls of Pain | 1:318979 |
Tomb Viper (Unique)Nightmare, Act 5, Halls of Vaught | 1:318979 |
GriswoldHell, Act 1, Tristram | 1:343497 |
Vile Witch (Champion)Nightmare, Act 5, Worldstone Keep Level 1 | 1:685976 |
Black Lancer (Champion)Nightmare, Act 5, Worldstone Keep Level 1 | 1:685976 |
Black Soul (Champion)Nightmare, Act 5, Worldstone Keep Level 2 | 1:685976 |
Cadaver (Champion)Nightmare, Act 5, Worldstone Keep Level 2 | 1:685976 |
Death Lord (Champion)Nightmare, Act 5, Worldstone Keep Level 1 | 1:685976 |
Fetid Defiler (Champion)Nightmare, Act 5, Worldstone Keep Level 1 | 1:685976 |
Fiend (Champion)Nightmare, Act 5, Worldstone Keep Level 2 | 1:685976 |
Flesh Spawner (Champion)Nightmare, Act 5, Worldstone Keep Level 1 | 1:685976 |
Ghoul Lord (Champion)Nightmare, Act 5, Worldstone Keep Level 1 | 1:685976 |
Greater Hell Spawn (Champion)Nightmare, Act 5, Worldstone Keep Level 2 | 1:685976 |
Heirophant (Champion)Nightmare, Act 5, Worldstone Keep Level 1 | 1:685976 |
Horadrim Ancient (Champion)Nightmare, Act 5, Worldstone Keep Level 2 | 1:685976 |
Horror Mage (Champion)Nightmare, Act 5, Worldstone Keep Level 2 | 1:685976 |
Invader (Champion)Nightmare, Act 5, Worldstone Keep Level 1 | 1:685976 |
Serpent Magus (Champion)Nightmare, Act 5, Worldstone Keep Level 2 | 1:685976 |
Soul Killer (Champion)Nightmare, Act 5, Worldstone Keep Level 2 | 1:685976 |
Soul Killer Shaman (Champion)Nightmare, Act 5, Worldstone Keep Level 1 | 1:685976 |
Steel Scarab (Champion)Nightmare, Act 5, Worldstone Keep Level 2 | 1:685976 |
Unholy Corpse (Champion)Nightmare, Act 5, Worldstone Keep Level 1 | 1:685976 |
Arach (Champion)Nightmare, Act 5, Halls of Vaught | 1:688030 |
Specter (Normal)Nightmare, Act 5, Worldstone Keep Level 3 | 1:2453317 |
Burning Soul (Normal)Nightmare, Act 5, Throne of Destruction | 1:2453317 |
Storm Caster (Normal)Nightmare, Act 5, Worldstone Keep Level 3 | 1:2453317 |
Ghost (Normal)Hell, Act 1, Tower Cellar Level 2 | 1:2517396 |
Ghost (Normal)Hell, Act 1, Tower Cellar Level 1 | 1:2525142 |
Wraith (Normal)Hell, Act 1, Cathedral | 1:2548379 |
Wraith (Normal)Hell, Act 1, Jail Level 3 | 1:2556125 |
Wraith (Normal)Hell, Act 1, Jail Level 2 | 1:2556125 |
Wraith (Normal)Hell, Act 1, Jail Level 1 | 1:2556125 |
Wraith (Normal)Hell, Act 5, Glacial Trail | 1:2597530 |
Gloam (Normal)Hell, Act 5, Icy Cellar | 1:2597530 |
Gloam (Normal)Hell, Act 5, Frozen River | 1:2597530 |
Ghost (Normal)Hell, Act 5, Icy Cellar | 1:2597530 |
Ghost (Normal)Hell, Act 5, Frozen River | 1:2597530 |
Doom Caster (Normal)Hell, Act 4, Plains of Despair | 1:2597530 |
Dark Shape (Normal)Hell, Act 3, Flayer Dungeon Level 3 | 1:2597530 |
Burning Soul (Normal)Hell, Act 4, Plains of Despair | 1:2597530 |
Doom Caster (Normal)Hell, Act 4, Outer Steppes | 1:2605698 |
Dark Shape (Normal)Hell, Act 3, Flayer Dungeon Level 2 | 1:2605698 |
Ghost (Normal)Hell, Act 5, Crystalline Passage | 1:2605698 |
Rancid DefilerHell, Act 5, Worldstone Keep Level 3 | 1:7992400 |