
Kuko Shakaku

Kuko Shakaku is a Unique Cedar Bow in Diablo 2 Resurrected (D2R). This exceptional Bow has a quality level of 41 and a treasure class of 36. An important benefit coming from Kuko Shakaku:
  • The projectiles can go through the enemies hitting an extra target.
This is the only Unique item in the game that has +X to Immolation Arrow (Amazon Only) attribute. The Rogue Scout Mercenaries can equip this missle weapon.
Kuko ShakakuKuko ShakakuCedar Bow
Two-Hand Damage: 25 - 28 to 72 - 81
Required Dexterity: 49
Required Strength: 53
Required Level: 33
Base Attack Speed: 0
+3 to Bow and Crossbow Skills (Amazon Only)
Fires Explosive Arrows Or Bolts
+50% Piercing Attack
+(150 - 180)% Enhanced Damage
Adds 40-180 Fire Damage
+3 to Immolation Arrow (Amazon Only)
Trade items on d2trader.net

How to obtain Kuko Shakaku

The fastest way to get this item on Battle.net is via trading, you can use the Item Price Checker to see how much Kuko Shakaku is worth.
Farming it by killing monsters is possible, check the drop rate table below for more information.
It can also be gambled but the chances are very slim.

Kuko Shakaku drop rate table

The monster with the highest drop chance of dropping Kuko Shakaku is Andariel on Nightmare difficulty in Catacombs Level 4 of Act 1. Farming the monsters listed below gives you the highest chance of finding that item.

Kuko Shakaku variants

Below is a list with different variants of Kuko Shakaku. See the stats of its normal, ethereal or upgraded variant.
